Friday, May 19, 2006
crystal balls
Category: Occult
i can see big bosoms in my future. the tits of death are doing a gig next week on friday and i am going. i am their bodyguard although i think the novelty has worn off for them because i sent them an email yesterday and they have not replied. i think that they are famous now and have changed. maybe they dont need me anymore. that is ok because alice is my primary objective but i am not a robot from the future so i am confused sometimes.
in a few days i will have been writing my internet diary for two months. maybe this is exciting but frankly i am underwhlemed. the people who write to me are sometimes kind but usually weird (by definition because writing to a pretend bear is a strange thing to do) and sometimes they are basically mad.
yesterday i put some moss in my head to fill in a gap where some stuffing was missing. i think there was a shield bug in the moss because it climbed out of my half-ear last night. alice was grossed out. but then she tickled my tum and it was ok.