Tuesday, October 24, 2006
global positioning bear
Current mood: fearful
Category: Rise Of The Machines
today i feel quiet and slow. it was raining this morning and the sound of the water running down alices windows made me sad. but then i got some email about a robot bear that can help people find their way and i cheered up. i could type in all the stuff about this bear but i think that you will have more fun reading it on the site that i found it. it is written in pretend english that is even harder to read than my diary.
to make a long and hard story short and hard this is a bear that you put in your car and it uses magic to tell you when you have missed your turning. and when you do it does a little dance. this is a cool bear and i would like to be friends but i asked if i could be friends and it said that there was 300 yards to left turn.
this gps bear might not look like much but i think robot bears are the future. a few months ago i saw a poster that had a baddie robot bear that could definitely get people real good. not as good as i can get them but i bet it has quite a decent bite. i have put its picture below. i wish i was a robot bear because then alice would not put me in the washing machine or i would rust.

Category: Rise Of The Machines

to make a long and hard story short and hard this is a bear that you put in your car and it uses magic to tell you when you have missed your turning. and when you do it does a little dance. this is a cool bear and i would like to be friends but i asked if i could be friends and it said that there was 300 yards to left turn.
this gps bear might not look like much but i think robot bears are the future. a few months ago i saw a poster that had a baddie robot bear that could definitely get people real good. not as good as i can get them but i bet it has quite a decent bite. i have put its picture below. i wish i was a robot bear because then alice would not put me in the washing machine or i would rust.